Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Clothes. Bought or handmade?

Ooopsi. I sort of happen to buy an outfit today on Etsy. The cutest shirt (with a little pink bow on it) and a pair of pants (leggings?) with flower pattern.

I was planning to only sew my own clothes for little Ante, but...I couldn't help myself. At least she won't be naked after I open her box. I mean, it's kind of hard to sew something if you don't have the measurement or the model here. It's a pretty good excuse, right?

Aaaand, some proof to support my sewing plans:
I bought some scraps of fabric yesterday
(ehum...like I don't already have a bunch of it at home).

Now I only need two pair of white socks (one with lace, one without) and three specific pair of shoes (I already know how I want them to look). And some tulle. But that'll have to wait till next month.


  1. There are A LOT of cute things out there to buy for Pukifees=really dangerous.

    I know someone that solved the "sewing for a doll that isn't here"-problem by comparing the dolls measurements with things in my… I mean her… home and ended up sewing a dress for a bottle of wood glue. LOL It didn't fit perfectly but at least Isa... eh.. I mean anonymous crazy person's first doll… didn't have to go naked.

    Nice fabrics BTW!

  2. Annefia:
    I know! It's insane! And more insane is that I sort of already have the most important things at home. Like...long before I discovered Ante. She'll have several chairs, tiny books, teadybears, food, toys and a chest of drawers for the clothes. And more *blushing*

    Wood glue, I have to buy that! But not to use as a mannequin. That would be slightly...nuts. LOL

  3. Yes, but only slightly!

    Putting a wig on the bottle though is COMPLETELY nuts. I never did that! Or if I did I've forgotten ALL about it! And it wasn't me!
