Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The day before yesterday

There was two days of Christmas here, all because of the simple reason that everything was ready way too late at Christmas eve. So we took a break in the celebration and continued the next day. That included the Christmas gifts. And we all know that gifts is the ultimate lure for the little ones. I'm talking about the dollies of course. They were like magnets to the pile of colorful wrapped boxes:

Shilou was, like always, ready to get her hands messed up in everything. Mr Teddy was not amused. He was bored and wanted to find a quiet corner to sleep in. But he lost the vote and they all went and found a new friend instead: The bird with nuts (no pun intended).

and best wishes to everyone, from these two:

(And there WAS a gift for them both, but more about that next time)

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