Monster High cartoon is kind of cute, but the dolls...well, I really didn't think much of them before. Way too skinny and WAY too much makeup. But I do love their hands however. And then...Yes,
THEN. I saw that some people got rid of the original makeup and did custom faceups. And Woooooh, I have found some amazing work (take a look at Flickr for example). I started to collect an inspiration folder on my computer with peoples amazing repaints and it got me could be a good start for me to practice faceups on a Monster High Doll. Much cheaper than to buy a BJD head.
We don't have all the dolls here in Sweden as usual, but I found some few (very few!). I bought Ghoulia. I'm a sucker for blue hair.

The deboxing was no problem. But I quickly got disappointed over the fact that her head didn't seemed to be able to look down and the glasses also left some marks above the nose. And then, when the clothes were supposed to come off so that I could see how she was made:
ERROR. One of her boots (very cool looking boots, I have to say) was not coming off. I pulled and yanked, but it was impossible. I got worried that I would break something and I even think I made one or two scratches on her. It was like the frekkin' shoe was glued to her foot! water. After I while it came off. My fingers was hurting and I made a promise to myself to never never never put those shoes back on. They sure looked great, but it was not worth it. Bye bye shoes.

Have anyone else had this problem? If I ever buy the same doll with the same outfit, will it be just as difficult? Hope not.'s Ghoulia, bare feet and all: