I've been looking for a proper house to my two PukiFées, Shilou and Miri, and finally snatched one up from
Blocket about two months ago. It's fresh and well made, but crazy pink, so I might do a makeover. Maybe blue. Originally, you could find this dollhouse at
Indiska a couple years ago. It seems very popular now days and it was hard to find one (or, I have found several the past year, but they all sold very quickly) so I'm a bit lucky that I got this one. It even have room for PK Zoe, the newest arrival...and one more! Which is good because Pongpong is on the wishlist ;) AND there's still space enough for a playroom :D
I have a bunch of furniture and decor that will fit perfect inside the dollhouse, really looking forward to sit down and decorate...every room will be personalized for the tinies, it'll be fun to do ^.^